Learn how to use methods with Rust structs
Let’s look at how to use a “getter”method in Rust Programming Language. If you’ve used a getter method with object oriented languages you’ll be familiar with accessing data from an instance of a class.
The method we use will allow us to get the car name string aka “cname” from the instance of the car as defined in the struct below:

Create a “getter method”
If you’re used to Python classes then this should be slightly familiar, note the use of “self” inside the parentheses after the get_name fn declaration?

Abbreviates self: &Self
This borrows the instance immutably
You must also use the &str to specify what will be returned from the function (method).

Full Code:
struct Car {
cname : String,
engine : f32,
doors : u8,
age : u32
impl Car {
fn get_name(&self)->&str {
fn main(){
let vw = Car{
cname : String::from("Polo"),
println!("{:?} {} {} {:?}",vw.engine, vw.doors, vw.age, vw.get_name());