Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions

“Continuous deployment (CD) is a software engineering approach in which software functionalities are delivered frequently and through automated deployments.” ~

In this article I’ll cover the process and the actual Yaml file to automate your deployment from your development laptop to Webserver simply by pushing a commit to GitHub.


Deploy simply by committing to GitHub – via “build and deploy”

make a commit and your site will be updated

Rsync – Continuous Deployment

So the actual process that does the update is Rsync. That sounds straightforward? Well there’s a bit more to it than that. You need to set up SSH on your Webserver, preferably a dedicated key pair. This will be a standard procedure provided you have access to the command line on your server. I use and am able to create and manage my own Linux server.


This is an excellent article covering most of the instructions I used.

One issue I had was with permissions when testing the workflow. I changed “a” to “r” with rsync and after that it worked!

run: rsync -rvz .......

The full Yaml file:

The best way to get started with this is to run the action and read the errors, typically you’ll have a path or variable set incorrectly or missing.

Beware of getting ‘Main’ and ‘Master’ mixed up as well.

Note : The secrets for your web server need to be added as variables under settings in your repo – after that you can refer to them in the Yaml file.
