flatten v flat_map

flatten v flat_map – what’s the difference?

In Rust, flat_map and flatten are both methods used for transforming and simplifying nested structures, but they serve slightly different purposes and apply to different contexts.

flat map

1. flat_map

  • Usage: flat_map is an iterator method used to both map and flatten an iterable in one go.
  • Purpose: It applies a function to each element in an iterator, which produces another iterator for each element, and then it flattens those iterators into a single iterator.
  • Common Use: When you want to apply a function that produces an iterator and then merge all the resulting iterators into one.


let numbers = vec![1, 2, 3];
let result: Vec<i32> = numbers
    .flat_map(|x| vec![x, x * 10]) // Multiply each number by 10 and pair it

println!("{:?}", result); // Output: [1, 10, 2, 20, 3, 30]


  • flat_map(|x| vec![x, x * 10]) first applies the function |x| vec![x, x * 10], which creates a vector with two elements for each x.
  • Then, flat_map flattens these vectors into a single iterator, resulting in [1, 10, 2, 20, 3, 30].

2. flatten

  • Usage: flatten is an iterator method that flattens one level of nested iterators or Option/Result types.
  • Purpose: It’s used when you have an iterator of iterators, Option<Option<T>>, or Result<Result<T, E>, E> and want to “flatten” one level of nesting.
  • Common Use: When you have nested structures (like Vec<Vec<T>>) and want to collapse them into a single layer.


let nested = vec![vec![1, 2, 3], vec![4, 5], vec![6, 7, 8]];
let result: Vec<i32> = nested.into_iter().flatten().collect();

println!("{:?}", result); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]


  • Here, flatten takes each Vec<i32> inside the outer Vec, then merges them all into a single iterator, producing [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].

Key Differences

  • flat_map combines mapping and flattening in one step by applying a function that returns an iterator and then flattening it.
  • flatten only flattens; it doesn’t map or modify the elements.use flatten to take a nested list of words and create a single flat list:

flatten v flat_map – Summary Table

MethodWhen to UseProducesExample
flat_mapMapping to an iterator and flatteningIterator<Item = T>flat_map(|x| vec![x, x * 2])
flattenFlattening nested structuresIterator<Item = InnerType>vec![vec![1,2], vec![3,4]].into_iter().flatten()

These methods are helpful for transforming and simplifying data structures in Rust – flatten v flat_map – choose wisely!

flatten v flat_map

use flatten to take a nested list of words and create a single flat list:

fn main() {
    let sentences = vec![
        vec!["hello", "world"],
        vec!["flatten", "is", "useful"],
        vec!["in", "Rust"],
    // Flatten the nested vector into a single iterator of words
    let words: Vec<&str> = sentences
        .into_iter() // Iterate over each inner vector
        .flatten()   // Flatten each inner vector into a single iterator of words
        .collect();  // Collect all words into a Vec<&str>

    println!("{:?}", words);
["hello", "world", "flatten", "is", "useful", "in", "Rust"]

Sure! Let’s look at how flatten works with an example of nested collections of strings. Suppose we have a list of sentences, where each sentence is represented as a Vec<&str> (a vector of words). By using flatten, we can turn this nested structure into a single flat list of words.

Example Using flatten

Here’s how we could use flatten to take a nested list of words and create a single flat list:

fn main() {
    let sentences = vec![
        vec!["hello", "world"],
        vec!["flatten", "is", "useful"],
        vec!["in", "Rust"],

    // Flatten the nested vector into a single iterator of words
    let words: Vec<&str> = sentences
        .into_iter() // Iterate over each inner vector
        .flatten()   // Flatten each inner vector into a single iterator of words
        .collect();  // Collect all words into a Vec<&str>

    println!("{:?}", words);


["hello", "world", "flatten", "is", "useful", "in", "Rust"]


  1. into_iter() goes through each inner vector (each sentence) in the outer vector sentences.
  2. flatten() takes each inner vector of words and flattens it into a single iterator of words, discarding the nested structure.
  3. collect() gathers the flattened list of words into a single Vec<&str>.

Without flatten

If you didn’t use flatten here, you’d end up with a Vec<Vec<&str>>, keeping the nested structure. Here’s what it would look like without flatten:

fn main() {
    let sentences = vec![
        vec!["hello", "world"],
        vec!["flatten", "is", "useful"],
        vec!["in", "Rust"],

    // Without `flatten`, we get a nested vector
    let words: Vec<Vec<&str>> = sentences

    println!("{:?}", words);

Output without flatten:

[["hello", "world"], ["flatten", "is", "useful"], ["in", "Rust"]]

Using flatten is ideal here, as it gives us a simple, flat list of words by eliminating the nested structure!