How to scrape iframes

If you are scraping a website with pop up messages asking you to agree to accept cookies.

This can prevent your scraper from continuing to the pages you want to scrape.

How do you get past these?

Using Selenium you need to switch to the iframe (which you can identify using browser tools / inspect in Chrome).

Here is a video showing the general concept:

Scrape a site with pop up “accept cookies” message

If you just want the basic idea….


“click on accept or ok”

Instead of “click on accept or ok” you need to identify the @id, or @class name and use that in an XPATH so you can send the .click() commend with Selenium.


Once past this you need to return to the default (or parent) content to carry on with the navigation towars the page you want to scrape.

driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=path_chrome)

# find the frame using id, title etc.
frame = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//iframe[@title='iframe_to_get']")

# switch the webdriver object to the iframe.

See also :