Learn about borrow, ‘&’, and accessing the heap in Rust Programming Language
In this example we access a string (stored on the heap) and modify it using the & to borrow it and update it.
Integers can be modified on the stack, but a String is an Array of unknown length so it has to live on the heap…

Get the Rust Example Code:
/* Rust learning : Day 2 */
fn main() {
// demo 'borrow'
let mut mhouse = String::from("detached");
make_semi(&mut mhouse);
println!("{:?}", mhouse);
fn make_semi(house : &mut String){
house.push_str(" - semi");
❯ cd "/home/rag/moo3/example/src/" && rustc main.rs && "/home/rag/moo3/example/src/"main
"detached - semi"
❯ pwd
❯ tree
├── main
├── main.rs
└── tempCodeRunnerFile.rs
0 directories, 3 files